Sep 27, 2009

Friends help make the world turn...

What a wonderful weekend! Tiffany finally received the weekend she has long deserved and we have our wonderful friends and family to thank. We are now in week 34, everything has been cruising along as scheduled, and Tiffany was able to celebrate our achievement with some wonderful people.

I should start with Nicole and Jessica. One an old friend, one new. Both instrumental in helping Tiffany get to where she is today.

Nicole and Tiffany have been friends since their childhood. Growing up down the road from one another and Nicole’s presence is what lead us to look to move to our wonderful home a few years back. She has been nothing short of exceptional in her dedication and support of Tiffany over the last few years. Whether a simple night out with the girls or if a concert out of town was needed, she has continually been there for Tiffany to help her stay grounded. Her encouragement has been unwavering and always comes right when it’s needed the most.

Jessica, Jon, Tyler, and of course Duncan have been instrumental in us feeling comfortable with where we are today. Jessica and Tiffany are so alike in their passion for their jobs and their ability to use their personal talents to help lift spirits. Tiffany and Jessica are so similar in their enjoyments and talents which has made their friendship a natural fit. Right when Tiffany was in a deep funk, Jessica would unexpectedly produce an act of kindness that would revive Tiffany’s spirit and rekindle her spirit.

For both Jessica and Nicole, this weekend was as much about us as it was about the special people that they are and how instrumental they have been in where we are today. We are eternally grateful for them both and as expected they pulled off a weekend Tiffany will never forget.

Yesterday, the arrivals began and about 15 girls went out for a wonderful celebration to include a spa and dinner at Tiffany’s favorite place. They ended with a nightcap at a hotel down the road and finished everything off today with a brunch at our place complete with Tiffany’s favorite cupcake (monstrous cupcake I might add) and pictures with the entire crew.

It was a special weekend because many of our friends that have been there for us over the last few years were able to join us in our celebration. Gifts are always nice but their presence was the real contribution to Tiffany and the entire weekend. So to all of you that were able to make it thank you for your support and we wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for each and every one of you.

Sep 21, 2009

So much to do

I know, I know, I have been a terrible blogger as of late. But I really do have a good excuse…Cocoa’s arrival is near.

My mentality has completely shifted from getting through each week to ‘game time’. About 5 weeks back I knew everything was behind us. We could finally put our worries behind us and we could finally focus on becoming parents.

Tiff had a ‘moment’ as I would call it a few Friday’s back. She had an abnormally active contraction period for about an hour and her doctor sent her to the hospital for observation. She was slightly elevated when it came to nerves but to be honest, I was and am ready for this whenever the time might come. We have prepared for this now for almost 4 years now and we are undoubtedly ready to face this next chapter in our relationship…parenthood.

I have spent much less time on the road and significantly more time on all things baby. We have completely transformed three rooms of our house and my every last minute of each day has been spent on that preparation. I have taken a lot of pride in what we have done in such short time and Tiffany has been nothing short of wonderful. She has done a great job of mixing in preparation with relaxation. She has really done a wonderful job of knowing when to back off errands and when to take a load off. I am so proud of how she has handled everything.

She has certainly produced as a wife as well. These last few years could have easily changed her as a person and as a wife but she has amazingly come out of this a stronger wife. While she has certainly done her part in coordinating through this 7.5 month period, she has completely fulfilled her responsibilities as a spouse.

I have been working diligently to achieve my goal of running a 2 hour 20 minute half marathon and with her unwavering support, she helped me realize my goal last weekend. Many times she could have had issues with me spending 4 hours on virtually every Sunday going to the park for training but her support was paramount in me realizing my goal. It was a great feeling running that last quarter mile but it was unexplainable to see her joy as she sat about 200 yards from the finish line with a glow to her that made all of those miles worth every last step. The pride I saw in her eye paled in comparison to the gratification I have for the purpose and resiliency she has shown in this journey that will be bringing us Cocoa in about 3 short weeks.

What am I doing writing on this blog…rooms to touch up, a 2 hour 10 minute mile, and the greatest joy I will ever experience is in front of me. Back to work!